
Open European WORKSHOP

“The future challenges of European Continuing vocational education and training after COVID 19”

November 10-11th 2020 - Rome

Open European Workshop

The Open European Workshop will be an online event. It falls within the European training initiative and the vocational skills week ( which takes place during 09-13 November 2020.

Open Workshop Presentation

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis represents indeed a challenging time, for Craft and SME enterprises. The new crisis that emerged, besides its own short term economic and social consequences, creates new structural order and unavoidably will transform crafts and SMEs needs, innovation processes, and digitalization of enterprises: smart working, virtual conferencing, e-learning: and the answers to the challenging situation are digital.

It is widely acknowledged that C-VET rules in many European countries are still bounded by regional or national regulations that don’t appropriate effectively the potential of digitalization or e-learning possibilities and in VET courses as a means to enhance innovation and smooth digital transition. The moment seems fertile for open discussion with institutional stakeholders to make the digitalization of C-VET a permanent process for European CRAFT and SMEs.

While pandemic crisis had a strong impact on the economy and way of life, there are now more rooms for regions and political stakeholders that they could reason about how to amend these regulations.

For this reason, C-VET providers and networks are called to answer to the Craft and SMEs needs and the incoming request of technologies and innovative didactical models to upskill or reskill, in the most efficient way, employees of companies that need to reposition themselves into a different social environment and market.

From another point of view, now more than ever, VET providers need to find a common European answer in order to foster the exchange of good practices and experiences in digital learning and find a common ground to propose innovations to regional, national and European stakeholders.

That is: open workshop’s objectives will be to develop a coherent strategy towards the effective transition of SMEs and crafts in new digital era, which encompasses additional environmental and health considerations, while at the same time to establish a network of cooperation between national and European counterparts which will provide useful insights and recommendations for the promotion of a common and diversified VET policy, based on SMEs needs in line with economy’s and society’s prerogatives.

The target groups for the conference is composed of Craft and SME training bodies offering in adult education, continuous VET national providers, EU and national institutions which formulate and implement VET policies, institutional stakeholders as well as research institutes, universities and technological bodies and apprenticeship centers.

The workshop is organized in the framework of Crafts and SMEs vocational and
educational training network, that is an EU innovative Platform supported by the EC ERASMUS + Program. Five distinct training, research and representative bodies at National and European level (ECIPA CNA, EFQBL, IME GSEVEE, PIMEC) participate in a European project consortium which aims to establish a network for the development of value added continuous vocational and educational training to support Craft & SMEs in their cross sector digital transition.

The Open European Virtual Workshop falls within the European training initiative and the vocational skills week ( which takes place during 09 – 13 November 2020.

Open European Workshop: Topics and schedule

First day Tuesday 10th November: 14.00 – 18:30


14:00 – 14:10 Welcome open introduction

Mr. M. Patrussi – Foundation ECIPA CNA President

I.New challenges of VET models for crafts and SMEs after Covid19 era
14:10 – 15:00 Session 1: New SMEs needs in digital learning: experiences, models, technologies, and competencies for Continuous VET

Mr. U. Triulzi – Scientific coordinator, SME Academy Avignon
Mr. A. Schmölz – Executive Director Austrian Institute for Research on VET
Mr. M. Mazohl – Journalist of Arbeit & Wirtschaft

15:00 – 15:20 EU sector SMEs organization practices

Mr. F. Massimo – Vice-President Italy, Digital SME Alliance/CNA IT
Mr. M. Digioia – Secretary General, UETR (European Road Haulers Association)
Moderator: Mr. G. Vivace – Director Foundation ECIPA CNA

15:20 – 16:30 Session 2: Comparative experiences in the EU on the digitalization practices for Continuous VET

Mr. À. Lobaco – Deputy Director of Training Programs, Consortium of continuous training of Catalonia
Mr. C. Dannreuther – University of Leeds, Lecturer in European Political Economy
Mr. S. Mystakidis – Learning innovator, e-learning & virtual worlds expert, Evaluation Manager, University of Patras/Hellenic Open University
Mr. G. Sbrissa – President of EVTA, European Vocational Training Association
Mr. M. Sorcioni – Head of Research and Studies Management of Italian National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies (ANPAL)
Moderator: Mr. P. Mazohl – President, EFQBL

16:30 – 16:45 Break

16.45 – 17.15 National sector federation practices

Mr. D. Anract – President U2P, Confederacion Nationale de la boulangerie, (food sector)
Mr. R. Zani – President CNA Produzione (automotive sector)

II. Institutional response towards the new challenges on C-VET policies

Introduction: Mr. M. De Carli – CNA Labour Dpt

17:20 – 18:20 Session 3: C-VET, apprenticeship for crafts after COVID 19 and digital transition response. A discussion with institutional stakeholders

Mr. A. Parenti – European Commission, Italian Office representative
Ms. F. Puglisi – Undersecretary Ministry of Labour and Social Labour (Italy)
Mr. P. Toulmet – Délégué interministériel au développement del’apprentissage dans les quartiers prioritaires de la Politique de la ville (France)
Moderator: Mr. C. Cappellini – Secretary General, SME Academy Avignon


Second day Wednesday 11th November: 9.30 – 12.00


Social partners’ response towards the new challenges on C-VET policies

9.30 – 10.15 Session 4: The role of EU social partners and European organizations/ CSOs for an inclusive transition period

Mr. V. Willems – Secretary General, SME United (video message)
Mr. P. Gkofas – Member of Group III, European Economic Social Committee
Mr. M. Cilento – Head of institutional policy, European Trade UnionConfederation
Ms. B. Gatto – CNA, Dept Sustainable Development
Moderator: Mr. V. Siomadis – Responsible of European Projects, IME GSEVEE

10:20 – 11:30 Session 5: The skills of the future for SMEs C-VET Trainees

Mr. L. Zahilas – Head of Department for VET Systems and Institutions, CEDEFOP
Mr. Schärl – Head of Unit, Responsible for VET, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern
Ms. Alexandra Wieser – Head of the Academy of Technology of the Chamber for Trade and Crafts of Munich and Upper Bavaria
Mr. Michail Tzamalis – Lifelong Learning Expert, VET Coordinator, IME GSEVEE
Moderator: Ms. M. Àngels Benítez – Training and Employment Policies Technician, PIMEC

11:30 – 11:40 Break

11:40 – 12:40 Session 6: A community of practice for C-VET organizations: Presentation of the Project “Craft and SMEs VET Net”

Mr. L. Reitano – Craft and SMEs project manager, e-learning expert, Foundation ECIPA CNA
Mr. P. Mazohl – President EFQBL
Mr. D. Bimpas – Economist/ SMEs expert, SMEs Academy Avignon Moderator: Mr. S.Mystakidis – Learning innovator, e-learning & virtual worlds expert, Evaluation Manager, University of Patras/Hellenic Open University)

Venue: National Confederation of Craft and SMEs Headquarters: Piazza Mariano Armellini 9/a, Rome, Italy

Format: Due to COVID 19 and social distance obligations both days will be organized on line: people from all parts of Europe could connect and discuss with us during the foreseen Questions time from all over Europe. The speech will be held through a webinar platform.

Organizing Committee:

Giuseppe Vivace, Luca Reitano – Foundation ECIPA CNA; Dimitris Bimpas – SME Academy Avignon; Vasilis Siomadis – IME GSEVEE; M. Àngels Benítez – PIMEC; Peter Mazohl – EFQBL


Luca Reitano